At the end of last year,town X had 12741 people and town Y had 24366 people.since then,1024 people have moved from town Y to town X.what is the population of each town

After 1024 people moved from Town Y to Town X, the new population of Town X is:

12741 + 1024 = 13765

The new population of Town Y is:

24366 - 1024 = 23342

To find the current population of each town, we need to account for the people who moved from Town Y to Town X.

Firstly, we can subtract 1024 from the population of Town Y to find how many people are left in Town Y after the move:

24366 - 1024 = 23342

Therefore, there are currently 23,342 people in Town Y.

Next, we can add 1024 to the population of Town X to account for the people who moved there:

12741 + 1024 = 13765

Therefore, there are currently 13,765 people in Town X.

To find the current population of each town, we need to update the initial population figures with the number of people who moved from town Y to town X.

The initial population of town X was 12,741 people, and the initial population of town Y was 24,366 people. Since then, 1,024 people have moved from town Y to town X.

To find the current population of town X, we subtract the number of people who moved to town X from the initial population of town X:
Current population of town X = Initial population of town X - Number of people who moved from town Y
Current population of town X = 12,741 - 1,024
Current population of town X = 11,717

To find the current population of town Y, we subtract the number of people who moved from town Y to town X from the initial population of town Y:
Current population of town Y = Initial population of town Y - Number of people who moved from town Y
Current population of town Y = 24,366 - 1,024
Current population of town Y = 23,342

So, the current population of town X is 11,717 people, and the current population of town Y is 23,342 people.