Town Town Actual Distance Between Towns Bellstown Lewis City 120 km Bellstown Jenkinsville 40 km Jenkinsville Lewis City 60 km Arturo creates a scale drawing showing these distances. If the distance between Lewis City and Bellstown is 6 centimeters on his drawing, how far apart are Lewis City and Jenkinsville on Arturo’s drawing? (1 point) Responses 3 centimeters 3 centimeters 0.05 centimeters 0.05 centimeters 12 centimeters 12 centimeters 2 centimeters

Since the distance between Lewis City and Bellstown on the scale drawing is 6 centimeters and the actual distance is 120 km, we can set up a proportion to find the scale factor:

6 centimeters/120 km = x centimeters/60 km
120x = 360
x = 360/120
x = 3

Therefore, the distance between Lewis City and Jenkinsville on Arturo's drawing is 3 centimeters.