Respond in a paragraph. Answer is written in compiele sentences.

Compare the poems by Szymborska and Milosz read over the course of this unit. All are important twentieth century writers addressing a smlar Theme: death. Which pool addresses it in terms of the times he lived in (and its threat of fascism), and which addresses it in a more personal way? Characterize each poet's treatment of this theme, citing evidence from the poems

Both Szymborska and Milosz explore the theme of death in their poems, albeit in different ways. Szymborska, in her poem "Cat in an Empty Apartment," approaches the theme of death in a more personal manner. She focuses on the absence left behind by a departed loved one, using the image of a cat in an empty apartment to represent the void and loneliness that death brings. This poem is deeply introspective, evoking feelings of grief and longing. On the other hand, Milosz addresses death in a broader context, specifically in terms of the times he lived in, with the threat of fascism looming over Europe. In his poem "A Song on the End of the World," Milosz captures the horrors of war and the impending doom of the apocalypse. His treatment of death is more political and surreal, highlighting the collective suffering and destruction brought by external forces. Overall, while both poets explore the theme of death, Szymborska delves into the personal and emotional aspects, while Milosz explores the societal and political implications.