Respond in a paragraph. Answer is written in complete sentences.

Compare the poems by Szymborska and Milosz read over the course of this unit. All are important twentieth century writers addressing a similar theme: death. Which poet addresses it in terms of the times he lived in (and its threat of fascism), and which addresses it in a more personal way? Characterize each poet’s treatment of this theme, citing evidence from the poems.

In the poems by Szymborska and Milosz, both important twentieth century writers, the theme of death is addressed, but each poet approaches it in a different manner. Milosz addresses death in terms of the times he lived in, specifically the threat of fascism. His poem "A Poor Christian Looks at the Ghetto" speaks of the horrors of the Holocaust and the destructive power of war. He uses powerful imagery and draws on historical events to convey the collective suffering and death imposed by external forces. On the other hand, Szymborska addresses death in a more personal way. Her poem "On Death, Without Exaggeration" reflects on the existential and philosophical aspects of death, as well as the inevitability of the natural cycle of life and death. She contemplates the individual experience of death and the universal truths associated with it. Both poets provide different perspectives on death, one examining the impact of external forces and the other focusing on personal reflection and introspection.