
Which of the following patterns of organization is most appropriate in a good summary?
(1 point)
cause and effect
chronological order
order of importance

The most appropriate pattern of organization in a good summary would be chronological order.


We brought our books, so I hope they will bring ______.
(1 point)

The correct answer is "theirs."

To determine which pattern of organization is most appropriate in a good summary, you need to consider the main objective of the summary and the nature of the information being summarized. Here's how you can evaluate the three options:

1. Cause and Effect: This pattern organizes information by presenting the causes and effects of a specific event or phenomenon. If the summary aims to explain the reasons behind certain outcomes or to highlight the impact of a particular action, the cause and effect pattern would be suitable.

2. Chronological Order: This pattern arranges information in the order in which events occurred. If the summary focuses on presenting a narrative or a sequence of events, particularly in a historical or chronological context, the chronological order pattern would be appropriate.

3. Order of Importance: This pattern organizes information based on its significance or priority. If the summary aims to emphasize key points or prioritize various elements, such as ranking topics based on importance, the order of importance pattern would be suitable.

To determine the most appropriate pattern, you need to analyze the content being summarized and identify the main objectives of the summary. By considering these factors, you can select the organization pattern that best suits the purpose and nature of the summary.