Which of these features helps you recognize that an organization is a supranational organization?(1 point)


The organization is dedicated to environmental causes.

The organization is made up of cities and counties within a single country.

The organization has written charter or rules.

The organization is made up of many individual countries.

The organization is made up of many individual countries.

The feature that helps you recognize that an organization is a supranational organization is when the organization is made up of many individual countries.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the characteristics and criteria of a supranational organization. A supranational organization is an entity that goes beyond national boundaries and involves multiple countries working together on common goals and objectives. It typically has a higher level of authority than individual countries, and its decisions and policies impact the member countries.

Among the given options, only "The organization is made up of many individual countries" aligns with the definition of a supranational organization. The other options, such as dedication to environmental causes or being composed of cities and counties within a single country, do not necessarily indicate supranational characteristics.

Therefore, when evaluating whether an organization is supranational, it is crucial to consider the composition of member countries and their interactions within the organization.

What supranational organization is a group of 27 countries in Europe that joined together for common economic and political goals?(1 point) Responses OPEC OPEC USMCA USMCA the EU the EU ASEAN ASEAN