Hey bot, in 3-5 sentences, answer the following questions. 1. What information should a summary include? (Include at least three characteristics of a good summary in your response). 2. Identify one thing that a summary should not include, and explain why.

1. A good summary should include the main points or ideas of the original text, be concise and to-the-point, and accurately represent the author's intended meaning. Additionally, a good summary should not include personal opinions or interpretations, and should avoid excessive use of direct quotes.

2. One thing that a summary should not include is new information or ideas that were not present in the original text. This is because the purpose of a summary is to provide a brief overview of the main points, not to add new information or insights. Including new information or ideas in a summary can also be misleading and misrepresent the author's intent.

1. A good summary should include the main points or ideas of a text, along with relevant supporting details. It should be concise, highlighting the essential information while omitting unnecessary details. Additionally, a good summary should accurately reflect the overall message or purpose of the original text and be written in the reader's own words.

2. One thing that a summary should not include is personal opinions or bias. This is because a summary aims to present an objective overview of the text, focusing on the author's ideas and information rather than the reader's own interpretation. By excluding personal opinions, a summary maintains its neutrality and allows readers to form their own judgments based on the presented information.