Two input-output pairs for function f(x) are (−6,52) and (−1,172). Two input-output pairs for function g(x) are (2,133) and (6,−1) . Paige says that function f(x) has a steeper slope. Formulate each function to assess and explain whether Paige's statement is correct.(4 points)

Math Short Answer Rubric (4 points)
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To assess whether Paige's statement is correct, we need to compare the slopes of the two functions.

To find the slope of a function, we can use the formula:

slope = (change in output) / (change in input)

For function f(x):

(change in output) = 172 - 52 = 120
(change in input) = -1 - (-6) = 5

slope of f(x) = 120/5 = 24

For function g(x):

(change in output) = -1 - 133 = -134
(change in input) = 6 - 2 = 4

slope of g(x) = -134/4 = -33.5

Comparing the slopes, we see that the slope of f(x) is 24 and the slope of g(x) is -33.5.

Therefore, Paige's claim is incorrect. The function g(x) actually has a steeper slope.