Identify the function rule from the values in the table

Input. Output

-1. -2
0. -1
1. 0
2. 1
Output equals input times 2
Output equals input minus 1
Output equals input times -1
Output equals input minus 2

The function rule for the given table is "Output equals input minus 1".

whats number two

From the given values in the table, we can observe that the output is equal to the input minus 1. Therefore, the function rule is: Output equals input minus 1.

To identify the function rule from the values in the table, we need to examine the relationship between the input and the output.

Looking at the given table:

Input. Output
-1. -2
0. -1
1. 0
2. 1

We can observe that for each input (the numbers on the left side), the output (the numbers on the right side) is obtained by subtracting 1 from the input value. Therefore, the function rule in this case is:

Output equals input minus 1