Find the cubic root of 96 as a radical/radicand

To find the cubic root of 96 as a radical/radicand, we need to express 96 as a number raised to the power of 1/3.

Since 4^3 = 64, which is less than 96, we know the cubic root of 96 is a little more than 4.

Let's try 5:

5^3 = 125, which is greater than 96.

Therefore, we can say that the cubic root of 96 is between 4 and 5.

Let's try 4.5:

4.5^3 = 91.125, which is less than 96.

Let's try 4.6:

4.6^3 = 97.336, which is greater than 96.

Therefore, we can say that the cubic root of 96 is between 4.5 and 4.6.

To express this as a radical, we can write:

∛96 ≈ ∛(4.5)^3

Therefore, the cubic root of 96 as a radical/radicand is approximately ∛(4.5)^3.