Find the cubic root 56.

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra (× ) keyboard.

The cubic root of 56 is denoted as ∛56.

To find the cubic root of 56, you can use the cube root symbol (∛) to represent the operation.


Now let's try to find the value of the cubic root.

Since 3^3 = 27 is less than 56, and 4^3 = 64 is greater than 56, we can estimate that the value of the cubic root of 56 lies between 3 and 4.

Let's try 3.5 as a starting point and see if it is too high or too low.

Calculating ∛56 using 3.5 as an approximate value:

3.5^3 = 42.875

Since 42.875 is less than 56, we know that the actual value of the cubic root is greater than 3.5.

Let's refine our estimate by trying a value closer to 4, such as 3.8:

Calculating ∛56 using 3.8 as an approximate value:

3.8^3 = 65.536

Since 65.536 is greater than 56, we know that the actual value of the cubic root is less than 3.8.

We can continue this process and make more accurate estimates until we find the value that is closest to 56.

Approximating further:

3.7^3 = 50.653
3.75^3 = 55.951
3.77^3 = 57.234
3.76^3 = 56.579

Based on these calculations, we can estimate that the value of the cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.76.

To find the cubic root of 56, we can use a calculator or the built-in algebraic symbols on the keyboard.

If you have access to a calculator, simply enter "56" and then press the cubic root (∛) button or use the exponent notation of 1/3. The result will give you the value of the cubic root of 56.

However, if you don't have access to a calculator or prefer to use the algebraic symbols on the keyboard, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the algebra (×) keyboard on your device or the available software/application. Look for the symbols related to roots or exponents.

2. Locate the cubic root symbol (∛) on the keyboard. It may be labeled as "∛" or "^(1/3)" or "sqrt3" depending on the keyboard you are using.

3. Type or enter "56" next to the cubic root symbol. It should look like ∛56 or 56^(1/3), or sqrt3(56).

4. Press the enter or equal (=) button on the keyboard. The result will display the value of the cubic root of 56, which is approximately 3.779.

Remember that the symbol for the cubic root (∛) represents finding the value that, when cubed, equals the number inside the root symbol.