Find the cubic root 56.

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra ( ×
) keyboard.

The cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.175.

To find the cubic root of 56, follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin by writing the number 56.

Step 2: Next, enter the cubic root symbol (³√) followed by the number 56.

Step 3: Press the "=" or "Enter" button on your calculator.

As a result, you will find that the cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.755.

To find the cubic root of a number like 56, you can use the following steps:

1. Start by estimating the answer. In this case, we are looking for the cubic root of 56. Estimating a cube root can help us understand what the answer might be. For example, we can select a number such as 3, which is close to the cube root of 56.

2. Next, we can refine our estimate. To do this, divide the original number (56) by the estimate (3). This gives us 56/3 = 18.67.

3. Now, we need to adjust our estimate based on the result we obtained. Since 18.67 is higher than our original estimate of 3, we should choose a lower number. Let's try 2 as our new estimate.

4. Repeat the division process, dividing 56 by the new estimate (2): 56/2 = 28.

5. Again, adjust the estimate based on the result. Since 28 is lower than our previous result of 18.67, we should choose a higher number. Let's try 2.5 as our new estimate.

6. Divide 56 by the new estimate (2.5): 56/2.5 = 22.4.

7. Adjust the estimate again. Since 22.4 is lower than our previous result of 28, we need to choose a higher number. Let's try 2.6 as our new estimate.

8. Divide 56 by the new estimate (2.6): 56/2.6 = 21.54.

9. Continue this process of refining the estimate and dividing until you reach a satisfactory level of accuracy. You can continue these steps using a calculator or use exponents or logarithms to compute the cubic root.

Note: Using the calculator, we find that the actual cubic root of 56 is approximately 3.825.