Trent is doing the sit and reach activity to measure his flexibility which action best shows Trent performing this activity correctly

Trent is sitting on the floor with his legs extended straight in front of him. He places the measuring tape or ruler on the floor, parallel to his legs. He then reaches forward with both hands, keeping his legs and feet flat on the floor. Trent reaches as far as he can without bouncing or jerking his body and holds the position for a few seconds. He repeats the reach two more times for accurate measurement.

To correctly perform the sit and reach activity to measure flexibility, Trent should follow these steps:

1. Start by sitting on the floor with his legs extended straight out in front of him, feet together.

2. Place a measuring device, such as a sit and reach box, between his legs.

3. With his arms extended straight out in front of him, he should slowly bend forward at the waist, reaching toward his toes.

4. As Trent bends forward, he should keep his legs straight, without bending his knees or ankles.

5. He should reach as far forward as possible, using his hands to push the measuring device as far as he can without bouncing or jerking.

6. Once he has reached as far as he can, he should hold the position for a few seconds to ensure an accurate measurement.

The best action that shows Trent performing this activity correctly would be if he follows these steps and reaches the farthest distance he can without bending his knees or bouncing. It is important for Trent or anyone else performing this activity to maintain proper form and avoid any cheating or improper techniques, as it may affect the accuracy of the measurement.

The correct way for Trent to perform the sit and reach activity to measure his flexibility is as follows:

1. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
2. Place the measuring device, such as a sit and reach box, in front of your feet.
3. Keep your legs together and your knees straight.
4. Slowly reach forward with both hands, keeping your fingers extended and your palms facing downwards.
5. Continue reaching forward until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of your legs and lower back. Do not bounce or jerk while reaching.
6. Hold the furthest point of your reach for a few seconds while a partner or a measuring tape records the distance.
7. Ensure that you maintain proper form throughout the entire reach (i.e., keeping your legs straight, fingers extended, and palms facing downwards).
8. Repeat the exercise three times and record the best measurement achieved.

By following these steps, Trent can perform the sit and reach activity correctly to measure his flexibility.