Why are details included in a text?(1 point)


to distract the reader from the topic
to distract the reader from the topic

to introduce the topic of a text
to introduce the topic of a text

to add information in support of a topic
to add information in support of a topic

to provide the organizational structure of a text
to provide the organizational structure of a text

to add information in support of a topic.

The details are included in a text for several reasons. First, they can be used to introduce the topic of the text, helping the reader understand what the text is going to be about. Second, details can provide additional information and support for the topic, helping to strengthen the argument or point being made. Finally, details can also provide the organizational structure of a text, helping to organize and structure the information in a logical and coherent way.

The correct answer is: to add information in support of a topic.

When details are included in a text, their purpose is to provide additional information that supports or elaborates on the main topic or idea. These details help to make the content more informative and comprehensive for the reader.

To identify the purpose of details in a text, you can look for evidence that these details are providing specific examples, examples, evidence, or explanations related to the main topic. Additionally, you can also consider whether the details are directly supporting or enhancing the argument or idea being presented in the text.