Why are details included in a text?(1 point) Responses to add information in support of a topic to add information in support of a topic to introduce the topic of a text to introduce the topic of a text to distract the reader from the topic to distract the reader from the topic to provide the organizational structure of a text

The primary reason details are included in a text is to add information in support of a topic. Details help to provide evidence, explanations, examples, and other relevant information that strengthens the main idea or argument being presented in a text.

Details are included in a text to add information in support of a topic.

Details are included in a text to add information in support of a topic. They help to provide facts, evidence, examples, or explanations that elaborate on the main idea or thesis of the text. Including details helps to make the text more informative, persuasive, or engaging by providing relevant and specific information that supports the central idea. Details also contribute to the overall organization of the text, as they help to establish a logical flow and structure.