Why are details included in a text?

A. To provide the organization structure of a text

B. To add information in support of a topic

C. To distract the reader from the topic

D. To introduce the topic of a text

B. To add information in support of a topic

The correct answer is B. To add information in support of a topic.

Including details in a text is important to provide a deeper understanding of the topic being discussed. Details can provide evidence, examples, explanations, and other supporting information that help strengthen the main idea or argument of the text. They help to provide clarity, context, and credibility to the information presented, ensuring that the reader gains a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

The correct answer is B. To add information in support of a topic.

Details are included in a text to provide additional information that supports the main topic or idea being discussed. Including relevant details helps to clarify and explain the topic in more depth. Details can consist of facts, examples, descriptions, statistics, and other types of supporting evidence. They help to enhance the reader's understanding and provide evidence or justification for the claims made in the text.

To determine why details are included in a text, it is important to analyze the purpose and intention of the author. By providing supporting details, the author is strengthening their argument, providing evidence for their claims, or presenting a more nuanced perspective on the topic. The inclusion of details demonstrates that the author has conducted research, possesses knowledge on the subject, and can effectively communicate their ideas to the reader.

To identify the purpose of details in a text, one can evaluate how the details contribute to the overall meaning and message of the text. Understanding the main topic or idea of the text and then examining how the details directly relate to, expand upon, or provide evidence for that topic is key. By carefully reading and analyzing the text, one can identify the purpose behind the inclusion of details and gain a deeper understanding of the author's intentions.