Gloria is making flower arrangements for a wedding. She has a total of 112 flowers and 14 vases to fill. What is the unit rate of flowers per vase?(1 point) Responses 8 flowers 8 flowers 6 flowers 6 flowers 10 flowers 10 flowers 14 flowers

To find the unit rate of flowers per vase, we divide the total number of flowers by the number of vases.

112 flowers ÷ 14 vases = 8 flowers per vase

So, the unit rate of flowers per vase is 8 flowers.

To find the unit rate of flowers per vase, divide the total number of flowers (112) by the number of vases (14).

112 flowers ÷ 14 vases = 8 flowers per vase

Therefore, the unit rate of flowers per vase is 8 flowers.

To find the unit rate of flowers per vase, we need to divide the total number of flowers by the number of vases.

In this case, Gloria has a total of 112 flowers and 14 vases. Divide 112 by 14:

112 ÷ 14 = 8

So, the unit rate of flowers per vase is 8 flowers.