Gloria is making flower arrangements for a wedding. She has a total of 112 flowers and 14 vases to fill. What is the unit rate of flowers per vase?(1 point)


14 flowers
14 flowers

10 flowers
10 flowers

8 flowers
8 flowers

6 flowers
6 flowers

To find the unit rate of flowers per vase, divide the total number of flowers (112) by the number of vases (14).

112 flowers ÷ 14 vases = 8 flowers per vase

Therefore, the unit rate of flowers per vase is 8 flowers.

To find the unit rate of flowers per vase, divide the total number of flowers by the number of vases.

Total number of flowers = 112
Number of vases = 14

So, the unit rate of flowers per vase is 112 flowers / 14 vases.

Simplifying the fraction:

112 flowers / 14 vases = 8 flowers per vase

Therefore, the unit rate of flowers per vase is 8 flowers.

To find the unit rate of flowers per vase, you need to divide the total number of flowers by the number of vases. In this case, Gloria has 112 flowers and 14 vases.

To calculate the unit rate, divide the total number of flowers (112) by the number of vases (14).

112 flowers ÷ 14 vases = 8 flowers per vase

Therefore, the unit rate of flowers per vase is 8 flowers.