Which first step should readers take when they encounter an unfamiliar word?(1 point)


Replace the unfamiliar word with a familiar word.
Replace the unfamiliar word with a familiar word.

Find a synonym for the word in a thesaurus.
Find a synonym for the word in a thesaurus.

Look up the word in a dictionary.
Look up the word in a dictionary.

Use context clues near the word.

Use context clues near the word.

The first step that readers should take when they encounter an unfamiliar word is to use context clues near the word.

The correct first step that readers should take when they encounter an unfamiliar word is to use context clues near the word. To do this, readers should examine the surrounding sentences and paragraphs for any information that can help them understand the meaning of the unfamiliar word. Context clues may include hints or clues about the word's definition or usage, such as examples, explanations, or comparisons. By analyzing the context, readers can make educated guesses about the meaning of the unfamiliar word without needing to consult any external resources. This approach enhances language skills and promotes independent learning.