The people in the parade walked down the street all in step with one another.

Which precise word would best replace the underlined word?

1. Marched

2. What They Exactly mean
3. Immense and Treacherous
4. Adjectives and Adverbs
5. Thesaurus

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to describe exactly what they mean in writing
immense and treacherous
adjectives and adverbs

The people in the parade waltzed down the street all in step with one another. (Not literally, but they might as well have!)

To find a precise word to replace the underlined word, we need to consider the context of the sentence and determine a word that has a similar meaning. In this case, the phrase "all in step with one another" implies that the people in the parade were walking in a coordinated or synchronized manner. Thus, a precise word that could replace "in step with" could be "in sync with" or "in unison with." These words convey the same idea of the people walking together in a harmonized way.

The precise word that would best replace the underlined word is "sync."

"The people in the parade walked down the street all in sync with one another."