Which evidence from “What to Do about the U.S. Education” provides the MOST relevant support for the claim that being behind in education impacts the future?


A More focus should be on innovating teaching and learning and not standardized testing.More focus should be on innovating teaching and learning and not standardized testing.

B Many Americans believe that the students are already best in the world in math and science skills.Many Americans believe that the students are already best in the world in math and science skills.

C Teachers need to be equipped with latest technology and teaching methods.Teachers need to be equipped with latest technology and teaching methods.

D Nome

D Nome

To determine which evidence from "What to Do about the U.S. Education" provides the most relevant support for the claim that being behind in education impacts the future, we need to carefully analyze each option.

Option D is incomplete and does not provide any evidence, so we can eliminate it as a possibility.

Option A suggests that more focus should be on innovating teaching and learning rather than standardized testing. While this statement implies that the current education system may not be effective in preparing students for the future, it does not directly provide evidence to support the claim that being behind in education impacts the future. Therefore, we can eliminate Option A.

Option B states that many Americans believe that students are already the best in the world in math and science skills. This claim does not provide evidence to support the claim that being behind in education impacts the future. In fact, it suggests the opposite by implying that American students are already at the top. Thus, we can eliminate Option B.

Option C suggests that teachers need to be equipped with the latest technology and teaching methods. This statement implies that without modern tools and methods, students may not receive a quality education. It indirectly supports the claim that being behind in education impacts the future, as outdated teaching practices could hinder students' ability to compete in an increasingly technologically advanced world. Therefore, Option C provides the most relevant support for the claim.

In conclusion, the evidence from "What to Do about the U.S. Education" that provides the most relevant support for the claim that being behind in education impacts the future is Option C: Teachers need to be equipped with the latest technology and teaching methods.

The most relevant support for the claim that being behind in education impacts the future can be found in option C: "Teachers need to be equipped with the latest technology and teaching methods." This evidence suggests that without access to modern teaching tools and methods, students may not receive the necessary education to succeed in the future.