Which nation sustained a communist revolution in the years immediately after World War II?(1 point)







The nation that sustained a communist revolution in the years immediately after World War II is China. To find this answer, you can start by understanding the context and history surrounding the question. World War II ended in 1945, and during this time, the world was experiencing the rise of two major power blocs, the communist Soviet Union and the capitalist United States. After the war, various nations were influenced by these ideologies, leading to revolutions and political transformations. In this case, we are looking for the nation that underwent a communist revolution. To narrow down the options, you can eliminate Japan and Russia. Japan was occupied and transformed by the United States, which led to its democratization and capitalist development, making it an incorrect option. Russia, also known as the Soviet Union, was already a communist country during World War II, so it did not undergo a communist revolution in the years immediately after the war. This leaves us with Afghanistan and China. To make the final determination, you need to know that Afghanistan did have political instability during that period, but it did not experience a communist revolution. On the other hand, China, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, underwent a successful communist revolution in 1949. Therefore, the correct answer is China.