Fill-in-the-blanks (pg 9):

Strong readers think ___________________ when they find an ____________________ word or a word with several meanings. They ______________________ all the information about the word. Then draw ________________________ about the word’s meaning based on the best _______________________.

Strong readers think critically when they find an ambiguous word or a word with several meanings. They analyze all the information about the word. Then draw inferences about the word’s meaning based on the best context.

Strong readers think critically when they find an ambiguous word or a word with several meanings. They carefully analyze all the information about the word. Then draw inferences about the word's meaning based on the best context.

Strong readers think critically when they find an ambiguous word or a word with several meanings. They carefully analyze all the information about the word. Then, they draw inferences about the word's meaning based on the best context.

To fill in the blanks on page 9, you need to have the context of the previous sentence or passage. Look for clues that indicate a word with multiple meanings or an ambiguous word. Once you identify the word, analyze all the information surrounding it to get a better understanding of its meaning. Consider the context, tone, and other words nearby that might provide hints. Finally, draw an inference or conclusion based on what you believe is the most appropriate meaning for the word in that particular context.