Being able to identify the _________________ _______________ of an informational text makes you a stronger reader. (p 5)

The general subject of the book is the ___________________ . (p 5)
The author includes _______________________ ____________________ to back up and explain the central idea. (p 5)
Good readers use a variety of _________________________ to determine the central idea of a text. (p 8)

Being able to identify the main idea or central theme of an informational text makes you a stronger reader. (p 5)

The general subject of the book is the topic or subject matter. (p 5)
The author includes supporting details or evidence to back up and explain the central idea. (p 5)
Good readers use a variety of strategies or methods to determine the central idea of a text. (p 8)

Which statement describes the relationship between the central ideas and supporting details in a text?

The central ideas organize supporting details into a logical sequence.
Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.
Supporting details provide information unrelated to the central ideas.
The central ideas reveal the topic of the supporting details.

Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.

Please write or type the definitions of each word below. .

Central ideas -

Evidence -

Subheadings -

Supporting details -

Central ideas - The main or key concepts or themes that are the focus or primary message of a text.

Evidence - Facts, data, or information that supports or proves a claim, argument, or assertion.

Subheadings - Section titles or headings within a text that divide the content into smaller, more specific sections or topics.

Supporting details - Specific pieces of information, examples, facts, or reasons that provide evidence or further explanation for a central idea or main point in a text. They help to strengthen and clarify the main idea.

II. Fill in the blanks

In informational text, evidence that supports a ____________________ _____________ typically answers the questions _____________, _________________, _________________, _____________________, _________________, and ____________________. (p 2)
________________________________ give readers a clue about the author’s organization of ideas. (p 2)

In informational text, evidence that supports a central idea typically answers the questions who, what, when, where, why, and how. (p 2)

Subheadings give readers a clue about the author's organization of ideas. (p 2)

What are the 3 Self-Directed Active Reading Tecniques you can use to keep track of the central idea of a text? (p 8)

The three self-directed active reading techniques that can be used to keep track of the central idea of a text are:

1. Annotation: Making notes and highlighting key points, main ideas, and supporting details in the text.
2. Summarizing: Writing a brief summary or paraphrasing the main ideas and supporting details in your own words.
3. Asking questions: Engaging with the text by asking yourself questions about the main ideas, connections, and any unclear or confusing parts.

How does the author of a text develop central ideas?

by organizing the text into sections and subsections with headings
by stating a central idea at the beginning of each paragraph
by building the text around evidence in the form of supporting details
by choosing a title that clearly states what the topic is