Which of the following are good ways to maintain a positive digital footprint? Select all the options that apply.from the following answers

1. Use privacy settings  

2. Treat your social media accounts as live journalling opportunities 

3. Only post things that you would want everyone to see 

4. Do not overshare  

1. Use privacy settings  

3. Only post things that you would want everyone to see 
4. Do not overshare  

To maintain a positive digital footprint, the following options apply:

1. Use privacy settings: Adjust the privacy settings on your social media accounts to control who can see your posts and information.

3. Only post things that you would want everyone to see: Think before posting and make sure that your content aligns with your desired image and values.

4. Do not overshare: Be cautious about sharing sensitive or personal information online that could potentially affect your reputation or security.

To determine which of the options are good ways to maintain a positive digital footprint, let's analyze each option:

1. Use privacy settings: This is a good way to maintain a positive digital footprint. By adjusting your privacy settings on social media platforms, you can control who can see your posts, photos, and other personal information. This can help protect your online identity and prevent unwanted viewers.

2. Treat your social media accounts as live journalling opportunities: This is not necessarily a good way to maintain a positive digital footprint. Treating your social media accounts as live journals may lead to oversharing personal or private information, which can potentially have negative consequences.

3. Only post things that you would want everyone to see: This is a good way to maintain a positive digital footprint. By being mindful of what you post and considering how it may be perceived by others, you can ensure that your online presence reflects your desired image.

4. Do not overshare: This is also a good way to maintain a positive digital footprint. Oversharing personal or sensitive information can potentially be harmful, and it's important to establish boundaries regarding what you share online.

Based on this analysis, the options that are good ways to maintain a positive digital footprint are:

1. Use privacy settings
3. Only post things that you would want everyone to see
4. Do not overshare

Therefore, options 1, 3, and 4 apply.