Refiloe rarely posts on social media and prefers to keep her personal life private. However, her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her in posts. What describes Refiloe's digital footprint?

Localised digital footprint.

Passive digital footprint

Social digital footprint.

Active digital footprint.

Passive digital footprint

The correct answer is "Passive digital footprint." Refiloe's digital footprint is passive because she rarely posts on social media and prefers to keep her personal life private. However, her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her in posts, which creates a passive digital presence for her.

The correct answer is a passive digital footprint.

A digital footprint refers to the information that is left behind when someone interacts with the internet or uses digital devices. It is essentially a trail of data that is collected and stored, which can include activities such as browsing history, online purchases, social media posts, and any other online interactions.

A passive digital footprint is created when someone is not actively participating in or contributing to their digital presence. In the case of Refiloe, who rarely posts on social media and prefers to keep her personal life private, her online activities are limited, therefore creating a passive digital footprint.

While Refiloe may have limited activities online, her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her in posts. This means that although she may not be actively posting herself, she still has a presence online through the activities of her friends. However, the level of engagement and information shared is minimal compared to someone who actively posts and shares content.

Therefore, Refiloe's digital footprint is best described as a passive digital footprint due to her limited online presence and minimal engagement on social media.