Refiloe rarely posts on social media and prefers to keep her personal life private. However, her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her in posts. What describes Refiloe's digital footprint?

Passive digital footprint

Active digital footprint.

Social digital footprint.

Localised digital footprint.

Passive digital footprint

In this scenario, Refiloe's digital footprint would be considered a passive digital footprint. This is because she rarely posts on social media and prefers to keep her personal life private. However, her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her in posts, which means that there is some information about her online, but it is not actively created by her.

From the given scenario, Refiloe's digital footprint can be described as a passive digital footprint.

A digital footprint refers to the trail of data or information left by a person's online activities and interactions. It includes everything from the content someone creates, shares, or is tagged in, to the data that is collected about them by websites and online platforms.

In Refiloe's case, she rarely posts on social media and prefers privacy. This means she is not actively creating and sharing content online, thus having a limited active digital footprint. However, when her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her in posts, she still has a passive digital footprint as she is being associated with the content created by others.

It is important to note that while Refiloe may have a passive digital footprint, it can still have an impact on her online presence and how others perceive her.