Which of the following are good ways to maintain a positive digital footprint? Select all the options that apply.

Use privacy settings  

Treat your social media accounts as live journalling opportunities 

Only post things that you would want everyone to see 

Do not overshare  

Use strong and unique passwords 

Think before you post or share anything online 

Regularly review and update your privacy settings 

Be mindful of the content you engage with and like or comment on 

Consider using a professional email address 

Think critically about the sources of information you share or retweet 

Regularly monitor your online presence and address any negative or inaccurate information 

Educate yourself about online privacy and security best practices 

The following options are good ways to maintain a positive digital footprint:

- Use privacy settings
- Only post things that you would want everyone to see
- Do not overshare

To determine which of the following are good ways to maintain a positive digital footprint, we need to evaluate each option.

1. Use privacy settings: This is a good approach to maintain control over who can access your personal information and content. Adjusting privacy settings on social media platforms allows you to limit the audience for your posts and control what information others can see.

2. Treat your social media accounts as live journalling opportunities: This option is not recommended for maintaining a positive digital footprint. Treating your social media accounts as live journals might lead to sharing personal and sensitive information that can be accessed by others. It is important to consider the potential consequences of sharing such information on a public platform.

3. Only post things that you would want everyone to see: This is a good practice for maintaining a positive digital footprint. By being thoughtful about what you post and ensuring that it aligns with your desired image or personal branding, you can avoid sharing content that may harm your reputation or raise privacy concerns.

4. Do not overshare: This is another good practice to maintain a positive digital footprint. Oversharing personal information, location data, or details about your private life can leave you vulnerable to online risks like identity theft, fraud, or cyberbullying. It is important to strike a balance between sharing and protecting your privacy.

Based on these evaluations, the options that apply for maintaining a positive digital footprint are:

- Use privacy settings
- Only post things that you would want everyone to see
- Do not overshare