What should you always do before lifting weights?

(1 point)

Drink water

Stretch properly

Talk to a friend


The correct answer is: Stretch properly.

The correct answer is:

Stretch properly

To determine the correct answer, we can break down the question and analyze each option:

1. Drink water: While it is important to stay hydrated during any physical activity, this option does not specifically address what should be done before lifting weights.

2. Stretch properly: This option is a common practice before engaging in any form of exercise. Stretching helps warm up your muscles, increase flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. Stretching before lifting weights is generally advised.

3. Talk to a friend: Speaking with a friend may provide motivation or social support before a workout, but it is not a safety or health-related practice that should be done before lifting weights.

4. Eat: Eating is an important aspect of overall nutrition and maintaining energy levels. However, it is generally recommended to have a meal or snack a couple of hours before working out to provide enough fuel for your body. Consuming a heavy meal immediately before lifting weights may cause discomfort or hinder performance.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Stretch properly.