What type of weights should you NOT use if your goal is to build muscle mass?

(1 point)

Free weights
Free weights

Weight machines
Weight machines

High intensity (heavy weights)
High intensity (heavy weights)

Low intensity (lighter weights)

Low intensity (lighter weights)

What should you always do before lifting weights?

(1 point)

Drink water
Drink water

Stretch properly
Stretch properly

Talk to a friend
Talk to a friend


Stretch properly

Which of the following is a weight training machine you may find in a gym?

(1 point)

Universal machine
Universal machine

Elliptical trainer
Elliptical trainer

Stair climber
Stair climber


Universal machine

(1 point)

________________ are single dumbbells that are held independently in each hand.


What is the main difference between free weights and a universal machine?

(1 point)

Universal machines build bigger muscles because they allow for more repetitions.
Universal machines build bigger muscles because they allow for more repetitions.

Universal machines are safer because the weights are not above the body.
Universal machines are safer because the weights are not above the body.

Universal machines are for advanced weight lifters only.
Universal machines are for advanced weight lifters only.

There is no difference.

If your goal is to build muscle mass, the type of weights you should not primarily rely on are low-intensity or lighter weights. While using lighter weights can still provide some benefits such as improving endurance and defining muscle tone, they are not as effective for muscle hypertrophy or substantial muscle growth.

To effectively build muscle mass, you should focus on using free weights and weight machines, as well as incorporating high-intensity or heavier weights into your training routine. Free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, allow for a wider range of motion and engage stabilizing muscles, resulting in more muscle fibers being recruited during exercises.

Weight machines, on the other hand, provide stability and control, making them beneficial for beginners or individuals recovering from injuries. They target specific muscle groups and are generally safer to use.

Lastly, high-intensity or heavy weights play a crucial role in stimulating muscle growth. When you progressively challenge your muscles with heavier loads, it creates micro-tears in the muscle fibers, which then repair and adapt, leading to muscle growth over time. Remember to gradually increase the weight, ensuring proper form and technique to minimize the risk of injury.