Which behavior is an example of a healthy habit?

• staying up late one night texting with your friend
• splurging on a dessert at a restaurant
• walking at least three miles every day
• lifting a lot of weights to make up for not lifting last week

c. walking at least three miles every day

Understanding Health Risks

1. Which behavior is an example of a healthy habit?
-- walking at least three miles everyday
2. Why can it be helpful to seek someone else's advice when making a difficult decision?
-- They may have ideas or ways of looking at things that you haven't considered.
3. If you were out riding bicycles with your friends, what would be a risk factor?
-- leaving your helmet at home

Walking at least three miles every day is an example of a healthy habit.

The behavior that is an example of a healthy habit is walking at least three miles every day.

To determine which behavior is a healthy habit, we need to evaluate each option and consider its impact on our overall well-being. Let's go through each choice:

1. Staying up late one night texting with your friend: This behavior is not considered a healthy habit. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to fatigue, decreased productivity, and potential negative effects on physical and mental health.

2. Splurging on a dessert at a restaurant: While it's okay to treat yourself occasionally, consistently indulging in unhealthy food choices can have adverse effects on your health. It is preferable to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.

3. Walking at least three miles every day: Regular exercise, such as walking, is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. Walking promotes cardiovascular health, helps maintain a healthy weight, boosts mood, and strengthens muscles and bones.

4. Lifting a lot of weights to make up for not lifting last week: While it's good to be consistent with exercise, overcompensating by lifting heavy weights to make up for missed workouts can increase the risk of injury. It's important to listen to your body and gradually increase intensity and weight over time.

Therefore, among the given options, walking at least three miles every day stands as the example of a healthy habit.