The Enlightenment, people developed new ideas about government. Draw cartoons in the boxes below to reflect the different ideas about government.

As an AI model, I am unable to draw images. However, I can describe some cartoon ideas that reflect different ideas about government during the Enlightenment:

1. Cartoon 1:
- Two people, one representing the monarch and the other representing the common people
- Monarch wearing a crown, sitting on a throne, with absolute power
- Common people depicted as oppressed or suppressed
- Text bubble above the people saying "Absolute Monarchy: One ruler with absolute power over the people"

2. Cartoon 2:
- People lined up to vote in an election
- Statue of a philosopher like John Locke or Montesquieu in the background
- Text bubbles above the people saying "Voting Rights: Every citizen has the right to participate in choosing their government."

3. Cartoon 3:
- A group of people discussing ideas in a coffeehouse or salon
- Think bubbles above them with ideas like freedom, equality, and human rights
- Text bubble above saying "Enlightenment Thinkers: Exchanging ideas to shape a better form of government."

4. Cartoon 4:
- A ruler with a scale, symbolizing justice, in one hand and a book in the other
- People standing in line, holding petitions or grievances
- Text bubble above ruler saying "Limited Government: Upholding justice and protecting the rights of the people."

Remember, these are just descriptions, and you can visualize them by sketching or creating digital drawings to reflect the ideas about government during the Enlightenment.

As an AI text-based assistant, I am unable to draw or create visual content. However, I can describe and explain the different ideas about government that emerged during the Enlightenment period. The Enlightenment was a philosophical and intellectual movement that took place in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasized reason, logic, and individual rights.

1. Limited Government: One idea that emerged during the Enlightenment was the concept of limited government. This idea advocated for a government with defined powers and limits to prevent tyranny and protect individual liberties. A cartoon depicting a ruler with a small crown and a constitution in their other hand could symbolize this idea.

2. Separation of Powers: Another Enlightenment concept was the separation of powers, which proposes dividing government into different branches, each with its own distinct responsibilities. A cartoon showing three branches, such as the legislative, executive, and judicial, with their functions clearly illustrated, could represent this idea.

3. Social Contract: The idea of a social contract suggested that people give up certain rights to form a government that will protect their remaining rights and interests. A cartoon illustrating individuals exchanging their rights for security and justice from a government could symbolize this concept.

4. Popular Sovereignty: Popular sovereignty implies that the power of the government should come from the consent of the governed. A cartoon showing people voting or actively participating in the decision-making process could represent this idea.

5. Natural Rights: The Enlightenment also emphasized the concept of natural rights, which are basic rights that all individuals possess simply by being human, such as the rights to life, liberty, and property. A cartoon illustrating people holding signs or banners with these rights written on them could symbolize this idea.

Please note that these descriptions are meant to provide an understanding of the different ideas about government during the Enlightenment and are not visual representations.