Which statement best analyzes how Enlightenment ideas shifted the political structure of France?(1 point)


Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the French monarchy.
Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the French monarchy.

Enlightenment ideas allowed women to participate in the French government.
Enlightenment ideas allowed women to participate in the French government.

Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the English monarchy.
Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the English monarchy.

Enlightenment ideas were adopted by the French monarchy.

The first statement, "Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the French monarchy," best analyzes how Enlightenment ideas shifted the political structure of France. These ideas, such as popular sovereignty and the questioning of the divine right of kings, played a significant role in inspiring the French Revolution and the eventual overthrow of the monarchy in 1789.

The correct statement is: Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the French monarchy.

The correct answer is: Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the French monarchy.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the impact of Enlightenment ideas on the political structure of France. The Enlightenment was a philosophical and intellectual movement that took place during the 18th century in Europe. It emphasized reason, logic, individual liberty, and equality.

During this period, Enlightenment thinkers challenged the traditional authority of monarchies and advocated for more democratic forms of government. Their ideas influenced various revolutions, including the French Revolution.

In the case of France, Enlightenment ideas played a significant role in the overthrow of the monarchy. The French Revolution, which lasted from 1789 to 1799, sought to dismantle the absolute rule of the monarchy and establish a more egalitarian and representative government. The revolutionaries drew inspiration from Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu, who championed concepts such as popular sovereignty, equality before the law, and individual rights.

As a result of the French Revolution, the monarchy was overthrown, and France transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a republic. The revolution led to significant political, social, and cultural changes in France and had a lasting impact on the political structure of the country.

Therefore, the statement that best analyzes how Enlightenment ideas shifted the political structure of France is: "Enlightenment ideas helped overthrow the French monarchy."