A student writing an essay identifying the causes of independence movements in Latin American and the Caribbean would include which of the following?

Enlightenment ideas

Which of the following statements identifies a way Enlightenment ideas influenced Latin America?
The Haitian Revolution led to the creation of an independent egalitarian republic.

Which of the following identifies a way the Latin American and Caribbean independence movements were inspired by the American Revolution?
The leaders of the American Revolution championed equality for all men.

Which headline best explains how Napoleon’s invasion of Spain influenced Latin American independence movements?
Refusing to recognize Bonaparte, New Spain colonies create their own provisional governments.

Which leader successfully led independence movements across much of South America in order to achieve French Revolution ideals of freedom and equality?
Simon Bolivar

The student writing the essay would include Enlightenment ideas as one of the causes of independence movements in Latin America and the Caribbean. These ideas influenced Latin America in various ways, such as leading to the creation of an independent egalitarian republic in Haiti through the Haitian Revolution. The American Revolution also inspired the independence movements in Latin America and the Caribbean, with leaders of the American Revolution advocating for equality for all men. Napoleon's invasion of Spain also had a significant influence on these movements, as colonies in New Spain refused to recognize Bonaparte and instead created their own provisional governments. Lastly, Simon Bolivar successfully led independence movements across much of South America in order to achieve French Revolution ideals of freedom and equality.

are they all correct

Yes, all of the statements are correct. Enlightenment ideas, inspired by thinkers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, played a significant role in influencing the independence movements in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Haitian Revolution did lead to the creation of an independent egalitarian republic. The leaders of the American Revolution did champion equality for all men, which served as an inspiration for Latin American and Caribbean independence movements. Napoleon's invasion of Spain did result in the colonies creating their own provisional governments. Lastly, Simon Bolivar indeed successfully led independence movements across much of South America, aiming to achieve ideals of freedom and equality influenced by the French Revolution.

To identify the causes of independence movements in Latin America and the Caribbean, a student writing an essay would include the following factors:

1. Enlightenment ideas: Many Latin American and Caribbean intellectuals were influenced by the Enlightenment, which emphasized concepts such as individual rights, liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. These ideas played a significant role in shaping the desire for independence among the colonized populations.

To explain how Enlightenment ideas influenced Latin America, a student could mention a specific example like the Haitian Revolution. The Haitian Revolution, which took place from 1791 to 1804, was the only successful slave revolt in history, and it led to the establishment of an independent egalitarian republic. This revolution was heavily influenced by Enlightenment thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who argued for the rights of all individuals.

The American Revolution also played a role in inspiring the Latin American and Caribbean independence movements. The leaders of the American Revolution, such as Thomas Jefferson, championed ideals of equality for all men. This resonated with the colonized populations in Latin America and the Caribbean, who were seeking liberation from oppressive colonial rule. The success of the American Revolution showed that it was possible to achieve independence from imperial powers.

Napoleon's invasion of Spain also had a significant impact on the Latin American independence movements. The headline "Refusing to recognize Bonaparte, New Spain colonies create their own provisional governments" explains how Napoleon's invasion of Spain disrupted the status quo, creating conditions that allowed the colonies in Latin America to form their own temporary governments. This crisis of authority and the absence of strong Spanish rule provided an opportunity for independence movements to gain traction.

Lastly, Simon Bolivar is identified as the leader who successfully led independence movements across much of South America to achieve French Revolution ideals of freedom and equality. Bolivar is considered one of the most important figures in Latin American history, leading successful military campaigns against Spanish forces and playing a crucial role in the liberation of several countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. His vision of a united South America, inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution, resonated with many independence fighters in the region.