Lesson objective(s): What specifically should the learners be able to do with the contents by the end of the lesson about my family (purpose of lesson) (indicate actions with active verbs: not know and understand)

N.B The lesson objectives should provide an indicator in terms of the SKAV.

By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:

- Describe their family members using appropriate vocabulary and adjectives.
- Use possessive pronouns correctly to talk about their family members.
- Ask and answer questions about their family members.
- Write a paragraph introducing their family members.

By the end of the lesson about my family, the learners should be able to:

1. Identify and describe family members using appropriate vocabulary.
2. Ask and answer questions about family relationships using the correct grammar and structure.
3. Talk about the physical appearance and personality traits of family members.
4. Discuss family traditions and customs.
5. Share personal stories and experiences related to their own families.
6. Compare and contrast different types of families.
7. Use adjectives and adverbs to express feelings and emotions when talking about family members.
8. Demonstrate effective communication skills through pair or group discussions about family-related topics.
9. Create a visual presentation or written paragraph introducing their own family using the concepts and vocabulary learned in the lesson.
10. Reflect on the importance of family relationships and their role in shaping personal identity and values.

These objectives cover the skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing (SKAV) in relation to the topic of "my family."