is this conclusion clear and well written is there anything i need to improve on: The aim of this research investigation is to determine the impact of vaccination coverage on the number of measles cases and the spread of diseases controlled by the Australian government’s MMR vaccination program on the incidence rate. To strengthen the validity of this report, the solution to the research question has been reached based on a systematic review of research journals and websites. Based upon the analysis and interpretation of three relevant pieces of evidence, it has been found that the increase in MMR vaccine coverage has a statistically significant effect on the decreasing incidence rate of measles infection.

The conclusion is clear and well-written. It effectively states the aim of the research investigation and how the solution to the research question was reached. Additionally, it presents the finding based on the analysis and interpretation of relevant evidence. However, it could be improved by providing more specific information about the three pieces of evidence and their significance in supporting the conclusion. This would enhance the validity of the report and provide a deeper understanding of the findings.

The conclusion is clear and well-written. It effectively states the aim of the research investigation, which is to determine the impact of vaccination coverage on the number of measles cases and the spread of diseases controlled by the Australian government's MMR vaccination program. It mentions that the conclusion is based on a systematic review of research journals and websites, which adds to the validity of the report.

The conclusion also states that based on the analysis and interpretation of three relevant pieces of evidence, it has been found that the increase in MMR vaccine coverage has a statistically significant effect on the decreasing incidence rate of measles infection. This is a strong and supported statement.

Overall, the conclusion is clear, provides a summary of the research findings, and effectively communicates the impact of vaccination coverage on the incidence rate of measles infection. There are no major improvements needed.