Which of the following statements describes a good conclusion?

1. A good conclusion always ends with a question to encourage further reading
2. A good conclusion restates the introduction with different words
3. A good conclusion includes an interesting fact that did not fit in anywhere else
4. A good conclusion refers to the major themes of the piece

4. A good conclusion refers to the major themes of the piece.

A good conclusion refers to the major themes of the piece.

To determine which statement describes a good conclusion, let's analyze each option:

1. A good conclusion always ends with a question to encourage further reading: This statement is not necessarily true. While ending with a question can sometimes be effective, it is not a requirement for a good conclusion.

2. A good conclusion restates the introduction with different words: This statement is not entirely accurate. While it can be useful to summarize or briefly reiterate the main points discussed in the introduction, a good conclusion should do more than just restate the introduction in different words. It should provide a sense of closure to the piece and bring the main ideas together.

3. A good conclusion includes an interesting fact that did not fit in anywhere else: This statement could be true in some cases. Including an interesting fact that adds value and supports the main points discussed in the piece can be a good idea. However, it is not the only criterion for a good conclusion.

4. A good conclusion refers to the major themes of the piece: This statement accurately describes a good conclusion. A good conclusion should tie together the main themes and ideas discussed throughout the piece. It should provide a summary of the main points and offer a final perspective on the topic.

Based on this analysis, statement 4 - "A good conclusion refers to the major themes of the piece" - is the most accurate description of a good conclusion.