Pat consumes a lot of empty calories. Which snack choice BEST represents this behavior?

celery sticks
potato chips

Potato chips.

The snack choice that BEST represents consuming a lot of empty calories is potato chips.

The snack choice that best represents consuming a lot of empty calories is potato chips.

To determine this, you need to understand what empty calories are. Empty calories refer to calories that come from food or drinks that provide little to no nutritional value. They often contain high amounts of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and low amounts of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.

Now, let's analyze the given snack choices:

1. Celery sticks: Celery sticks are a low-calorie snack that contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are not considered to have empty calories because they provide some nutritional value.

2. Potato chips: Potato chips are often fried in unhealthy oils and are high in unhealthy fats and added salts. They lack significant nutritional value besides providing empty calories.

3. Water: Water does not contain any calories or nutrients, so it does not contribute to empty calories. However, it is essential for hydration and overall health.

4. Almonds: Almonds are a nutrient-dense snack that contains healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are not considered to have empty calories because they provide valuable nutrients.

Therefore, out of the given choices, potato chips best represent consuming a lot of empty calories.