11. Every user on a Linux system is assigned a unique directory called:

a) User Directory
b) Personal Directory
c) Home Directory
d) Working Directory

12. There are three types of shells in Linux: command line, graphical, and binary.
a) True
b) False

13. The directory you are in is referred to as:
a) Home directory
b) Root directory
c) Current working directory
d) Parent directory

14. Open-source software is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner. Open-source license permits users to study, change, and improve and at times also to distribute the software.
a) True
b) False

15. The following statement will run all the given commands making sure that the next command runs only if the previous command succeeds.
a) Cd || wpd ||ls
b) Cd && pwd && ls
c) Cd | pwd | ls
d) Cd ;; pwd ;; ls
e) Cd ; pwd ;
f) Cd & pwd & ls

11. c) Home Directory

12. b) False
13. c) Current working directory
14. a) True
15. b) Cd && pwd && ls