32. The question must be answered with a single Linux command, without making use of a semicolon. All pathnames must be relative. Assume you are in the directory marked by the number 7 in the diagram (7 reports). Using the relative pathname for file 3, Create directories “henry” and “Cathy” under staff directory:

mkDIR staff/henry staff/Cathy

To create the directories "henry" and "Cathy" under the "staff" directory in the current directory, you can use the following Linux command:

mkdir staff/henry staff/Cathy


1. The `mkdir` command is used to create directories.
2. We specify the relative pathnames for the directories we want to create, separated by a space. In this case, "staff/henry" and "staff/Cathy".
3. The forward slash (/) is used to indicate the directory structure. So "staff/henry" means to create a directory named "henry" under the "staff" directory.
4. By running this command in the "7 reports" directory, the new directories "henry" and "Cathy" will be created inside the "staff" directory.

To create directories "henry" and "Cathy" under the staff directory, you can use the following Linux command:

mkdir -p ../staff/henry ../staff/Cathy

This command creates the "henry" and "Cathy" directories in the "staff" directory. The `-p` option ensures that the parent directories are created if they don't already exist. The `..` notation moves up one level in the directory structure.