Which is true about recycling?(1 point)

A) Recycling can prevent people from getting sick from pollution from mines and landfills.

B) Recycling is generally cheaper than putting things in landfills, but more expensive than incineration.

C) Recycling metal can happen many times before the metal degrades.

D) Recycling has not lowered greenhouse gas emissions in the United States because few people recycle.

C) Recycling metal can happen many times before the metal degrades.

C) metal degrades slowly and in most landfills they will reuse it around 6 more times before the metal is rendered unusable hope i helped!

C) Recycling metal can happen many times before the metal degrades.

To determine the true statement about recycling, we can evaluate each option and explain the reasoning behind it:

A) Recycling can prevent people from getting sick from pollution from mines and landfills.
This statement is true. Recycling helps reduce the need for mining raw materials and minimizes waste sent to landfills. By recycling, harmful pollutants are effectively reduced, which can mitigate the negative impact on human health.

B) Recycling is generally cheaper than putting things in landfills, but more expensive than incineration.
This statement is partially true. In some cases, recycling can be more cost-effective than disposing of waste in landfills. However, incineration of waste can sometimes be cheaper than recycling. The exact costs are dependent on various factors, including location, infrastructure, and the specific materials being managed.

C) Recycling metal can happen many times before the metal degrades.
This statement is true. Metal recycling is a circular process that allows the same metal to be recycled numerous times without significant degradation of its properties. The metal can be melted down and reused repeatedly, making it a sustainable approach to resource utilization.

D) Recycling has not lowered greenhouse gas emissions in the United States because few people recycle.
This statement is false. Recycling has indeed contributed to lowering greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. By recycling materials instead of manufacturing new products from virgin materials, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the extraction and production of raw materials are reduced. While increased participation in recycling would yield even greater benefits, it has made a positive impact on reducing emissions thus far.

Considering the explanations, option (A) is the correct answer as it accurately depicts the benefits of recycling in preventing pollution-related illnesses.