Which was a result of both the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act?

A. increased paper recycling
B. increased plastic recycling
C. reduced factory pollution
D. reduced car emissions

1. B: reducing waste or harm to resources

2. B: they are fuel efficient

3. B: it is better then using the bottle only once, but they should recycle the bottle.

4. C: reduced factory pollution.

C. reduced factory pollution

Correct! Well done, you got all the answers right.

The Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act were both important pieces of environmental legislation enacted in the United States. These laws aimed to protect and improve the quality of the air we breathe and the water we use. As a result of both acts, several positive outcomes have been observed. One of the key results has been the reduction in pollution from various sources. So, the answer to your question is:

C. reduced factory pollution

Both the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act have led to stricter regulations and guidelines for industrial factories, requiring them to limit their pollutant emissions into the air and water. This has resulted in a significant decrease in harmful pollutants being released into the environment, leading to cleaner air and water.

To find the answer to this question yourself, you can conduct some basic research on the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. By understanding the goals and provisions of these acts, you can easily identify the common outcomes they have achieved, such as the reduction in pollution from various sources.