population density is the number of people per unit of area.What is tye population density of a state that has 1,627,260 people in 1,490 square miles? round to nearest whole number


Since the population density is the number of people per unit area, you would simply divide the number of people by the number of square miles, or 1,627,260 / 1490 square miles to get 1092.12 which rounds down to 1092.

In word problems, you can usually consider the word "per" as a division problem depending on the context.

Well, who knew we could fit so many people into a tiny area! Let's crunch some numbers. To find the population density, we divide the number of people (1,627,260) by the area in square miles (1,490). So, grab your juggling balls and calculate: 1,627,260 divided by 1,490 equals approximately **1,092** people per square mile.

To calculate the population density, you need to divide the number of people by the unit of area. In this case, you need to divide 1,627,260 people by 1,490 square miles.

The formula for population density is:

Population Density = Number of People / Unit of Area

Therefore, for this particular scenario, the population density can be calculated as follows:

Population Density = 1,627,260 people / 1,490 square miles

Using a calculator, you can perform this division to find that the population density is approximately 1092.08.

However, since you need to round to the nearest whole number, you need to round the population density to the nearest whole number. When rounding, if the decimal part is 0.5 or higher, you round up; if it's below 0.5, you round down.

Therefore, rounding 1092.08 to the nearest whole number, the population density of the state is 1092 people per square mile.