A state has an area of 9970 km squared and a population of 2 458 000 is number 2sf and estimate the population density of the States in people per km square

2458000people / 9970km^2 = 246.54 people/km^2

Number 2 out of 50 or 48 out of 50 or 96 out of 100 or 96 th percentile is

246.54 people/km^2
assume normal distribution
google David Lane normal distribution to find mean density.

To find the population density of a state, we need to divide the population by the area of the state.

In this case, the state has an area of 9970 km² and a population of 2,458,000.

To calculate the population density, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the population by the area.
Population density = Population / Area

Population density = 2,458,000 / 9970

Step 2: Perform the division to get the population density.
Population density ≈ 246.47 (to 2 significant figures)

Therefore, the population density of the state is approximately 246.47 people per square kilometer (246.47 people/km²).