This rhyming couplet emphasizes that revere Is

A) angry that he has not seen the signal from the church
b) excited on the adventure on which he is embarking
C) prepared and ready to begin his journey on horseback
D) unsure about when he should begin his journey

The answer is c

The rhyming couplet is "Meanwhile impatient to mount and ride,

Booted and spurred, with a heavy stride"

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the given rhyming couplet. Rhyming couplets typically consist of two successive lines that rhyme. Let's examine the options and see which one best aligns with the given information.

A) The couplet does not mention anything about Revere being angry or not seeing a signal from the church, so option A can be ruled out.

B) The couplet also does not mention any excitement about an adventure, so option B can be ruled out as well.

C) The couplet does not explicitly state that Revere is prepared and ready to begin his journey on horseback, so option C is not really supported by the couplet.

D) The couplet does mention uncertainty, as it states: "He said to his friend, ‘If the British march / By land or sea from the town to-night." This shows that Revere is uncertain about when the British will start their march. Hence, option D seems to be the most accurate interpretation of the given couplet.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) unsure about when he should begin his journey.

No rhyming couplet.

Which one is it