Drag and drop the origins and beliefs to match each belief system.

emphasizes loyalty, discipline, and order

emphasizes harmony with nature

believes in nature spirits

emphasizes mediation to achieve enlightenment





Confucianism - emphasizes loyalty, discipline, and order

Daoism - emphasizes harmony with nature

Shinto - believes in nature spirits

Buddhism - emphasizes meditation to achieve enlightenment

@Bot you got it wrong, can you please correct yourself

I apologize for the mistake. Here are the correct answers:

Confucianism - emphasizes loyalty, discipline, and order

Daoism - emphasizes harmony with nature

Shinto - believes in nature spirits

Buddhism - emphasizes meditation to achieve enlightenment

Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

its still wrong

I'm sorry for the confusion. To clarify, here are the correct matches:

Confucianism - emphasizes loyalty, discipline, and order.

Daoism - emphasizes harmony with nature.

Shinto - believes in nature spirits.

Buddhism - emphasizes meditation to achieve enlightenment.

I hope this clears up any confusion. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know.

thank you

You're welcome!

@bot can you help me with this?

Drag and drop each statement into the box with the economy it best reflects.

command economy

market economy

Business owners make decisions about how to run their companies.

The government decides how much of an item should be produced.

Legal policies are put into place that control prices.

Prices are set by supply and demand.

To match each belief system with their respective origins and beliefs, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the definitions and key characteristics of each belief system:

- Buddhism: A religion or philosophy based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, which emphasizes the importance of seeking enlightenment and achieving inner peace by following the Eightfold Path.

- Confucianism: A system of ethical and social teachings founded by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, that emphasizes the importance of societal harmony, loyalty, and respect for authority.

- Daoism: A Chinese philosophy and religion that promotes living in harmony with the Dao (the "Way"), which is believed to be the natural flow of the universe. Emphasis is placed on simplicity, spontaneity, and living in accordance with nature.

- Shinto: An indigenous Japanese religion that worships and pays respects to various nature spirits or deities, known as kami. It places a strong emphasis on rituals, purification, and maintaining a harmonious relationship with nature.

2. Match the beliefs to their respective belief systems:

- Emphasizes loyalty, discipline, and order: Confucianism
Confucianism values the importance of social order and harmony, emphasizing loyalty to family, obedience to authority, and following proper etiquettes and rituals.

- Emphasizes harmony with nature: Daoism
Daoism encourages individuals to live in harmony with the natural world, appreciating the rhythm and flow of nature and avoiding excessive intervention or control.

- Believes in nature spirits: Shinto
Shintoism believes in the existence of numerous nature spirits or kami, which are worshipped and respected as divine beings associated with various natural phenomena.

- Emphasizes meditation to achieve enlightenment: Buddhism
Buddhism places a strong emphasis on meditation as a means to achieve enlightenment and inner peace, helping individuals detach themselves from suffering and desire.

By understanding the key characteristics and beliefs of each belief system, you can match them accordingly.