Based on your knowledge of the root ADI, which phrase describes an auditory signal, is it a signal that is red a signal that is heard a signal that is spelt, a signal that is seen

An auditory signal refers to a signal that is heard.

Based on the root ADI, the phrase "an auditory signal" describes a signal that is heard. The root ADI pertains to hearing or sound.

Based on my knowledge of the root "ADI," the phrase that describes an auditory signal is "a signal that is heard." The root "ADI" comes from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear." When we refer to something as an auditory signal, it implies that it is a signal that can be perceived or detected through the sense of hearing.

To arrive at this conclusion, I used etymology, which is the study of the origin and historical development of words. By understanding the root of a word or word component, we can often deduce its meaning or association. In this case, knowing that "ADI" comes from "audire" and its relation to sound perception allows us to determine that an auditory signal refers to something that can be heard.