which of the following statements is supported by the information in the map please help

What following?

which of the following statements is supported by the information the map

To provide assistance, please provide the options or statements that are mentioned in the map.

To determine which statement is supported by the information in the map, you need to carefully analyze the map and its key/legend. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Start by examining the title of the map and any other headings or labels that provide context. This will give you a general idea of what the map is illustrating.

2. Look at the map's key or legend. The key typically provides a guide to understanding the symbols and colors used on the map. Pay close attention to any symbols or colors that are relevant to the statements you need to evaluate.

3. Read each statement and examine the map for any information that aligns with or contradicts each statement.

4. Cross-reference the statements with the corresponding symbols, colors, or patterns on the map. If a statement mentions a specific feature or data point, visually inspect the map to see if that feature or data point is present.

5. If you find evidence that supports or corroborates a statement on the map, then that statement can be considered as supported by the map. On the other hand, if you cannot find any evidence on the map that aligns with a statement, it is not supported.

Remember to approach each statement independently and critically evaluate the information on the map to determine its support or lack thereof.