You want to make a map showing distribution of cattle in Brazil. What kind of map would be best to show this information?(1 point)


political map
political map

isoline map
isoline map

physical map
physical map

dot density map

dot density map

What is the importance of understanding the functions of map properties?(1 point)


Map properties help geographers collect accurate information about distance, size, and location of a place.
Map properties help geographers collect accurate information about distance, size, and location of a place.

Map properties are used as guidelines to determine physical and political details of a place.
Map properties are used as guidelines to determine physical and political details of a place.

Map properties set boundaries for cultural regions, cultural groups, and their characteristics.
Map properties set boundaries for cultural regions, cultural groups, and their characteristics.

Map properties help geographers determine how continents are formed.
Map properties help geographers determine how continents are formed.

Map properties help geographers collect accurate information about distance, size, and location of a place.

Which of the following would be consulted when wanting information about natural and human-made features?(1 point)


topographic map
topographic map

a globe
a globe

thematic map
thematic map

political map
political map

thematic map

Which of the following would not be included in a possible map legend?(1 point)


a star for a historic site
a star for a historic site

a ^ for a mountain
a ^ for a mountain

a compass rose for direction
a compass rose for direction

a * for a city

a compass rose for direction

Which of the following layers would not be included in a digital map showing bat migration in the Southwest United States?(1 point)


A layer showing each type of bat that migrates in the region.
A layer showing each type of bat that migrates in the region.

A layer showing climate conditions of the southwest region.
A layer showing climate conditions of the southwest region.

A layer showing a map of southwestern states.
A layer showing a map of southwestern states.

A layer of arrows that show the directions of migrations.

A layer showing a map of southwestern states.

Displaying more than one set of data by using a GIS can help a geographer(1 point)


see possible relationships between the sets of data.
see possible relationships between the sets of data.

observe changes over time.
observe changes over time.

obscure irrelevant spatial data.
obscure irrelevant spatial data.

isolate a particular type of data.