Each phenotype can only be represented by a single genotype.

True or False?

Help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!


To determine if this statement is true or false, we need to understand the definitions of phenotypes and genotypes.

Phenotype refers to the observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, such as eye color, height, or blood type. These traits are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

Genotype, on the other hand, refers to the genetic composition of an organism, specifically the combination of alleles (different forms of a gene) that an individual possesses.

In many cases, a single phenotype can indeed be influenced by multiple genotypes. This is due to the presence of dominant and recessive alleles. For example, in the case of eye color, a person can have a blue-eyed phenotype, but their genotype may contain one blue-eyed allele and one brown-eyed allele. In this case, the blue-eyed phenotype can be represented by multiple genotypes.

Therefore, the statement "Each phenotype can only be represented by a single genotype" is false. Phenotypes can be influenced by various combinations of genotypes.